A couple of nights ago, I finished this very simple summery shawl. It is made of a rayon boucle by Fiesta in the colorway Safari. I love the coppery colors and misty blue.
It is a simple garter stitch with increases on every row until you run out of yarn (with enough to bind off). Just cast on 40 and take off! Knitting every row is mindless (and cheap) therapy. LOL. I used a size 15 circular needle.
I really like the drapiness (is that a word?) of this and the versatility. It can be worn as a shawl or a scarf. And, it is cool.
We passed 21 days of temperatures over 100 yesterday and the forecast looks like we will be making it at least 28 days. This little rescue succulent from last year is hanging in there along with the rest of us!
I have started another Christmas in July stocking. Anybody think I am trying to hypnotize myself into believing it it cooler than it is? You might be right!
Stay cool. If you are outside in this heat, be sure to drink plenty of fluids!
blessings ~ tanna

Whatever it takes to survive the heat! Even if it takes the power of suggestion. We're experiencing a heat wave in heart of Illinois. Not 100, but mid to high 90's and a 69% humidity. We are under an excessive heat warning which seems funny after living in Texas. With all the corn around us it is creating quite a greenhouse effect.
Your little succulent is lucky to have you!
Are you saying that scarf is so simple even I could do it? I can knit and purl but how do I know when I'm out of yarn except for what I need to bind off? I'm curious as to whether you have a wonderful yarn shop in town or if you order on line.
you do such great work Tanna..love that shawl....
Oh, really cute knit! I'll buy Christmas presents this time of year, if I find something that's a great deal, but I'm definitely not doing anything crafty!
Pretty shawl. Love the succulent. Mine are doing okay. Yes, I think you are making stockings to pretend it is much cooler than it is.
Bonnie: YES, you can do it! Leaving enough is really a bit of guess work. I had a little left over (because I hate to have to undo stuff! and guessed more than less). There is an adage that you allow an inch for every stitch. So, you could count your stitches as you neared the end and leave yourself that many inches.
We do have a wonderful LYS, Rose Path in Lindale. I'll bet you have one near, too. I do order online sometimes also. I can tell you are on the verge! Take the leap! blessings ~ tanna
well, if Christmas in July is what it takes, i'm bringing out the ornaments now to break this weather streak!
Headline News remarked on temps in Tyler TX as being in the low 100s for weeks. I thought of you.
The shawl is delicate lovely feminine.
What a cute shawl. I have a succulent pot, and I really love it.
Another cute stocking...you are always creating something lovely.
That shawl is gorgeous! Drapey makes sense to me.
About the only thing that can survive around here is succulents. Hubby walked this evening and came back looking like someone had thrown a bucket of water on him -- he was drenched in sweat because of the humidity.
I'm still piddling the day away in pj's. I tried a new crochet pattern that drove me crazy. It should have been so simple but for some reason, I could not get the rows to match up to make the hearts at the end. I spent hours working on it and frogging it. Finally managed to work it out, though it is not perfect. :/
I'm off to bed. Past my bedtime. goodnite. Tammy
I do love that versatile shawl and the colors - different.
It is hot here too - but we may be more used to it.
I think it's great getting presents done early.
Oh Tanna,
You make me wanna start knitting. Your first little stocking turned out beautiful and oh my goodness, the shawl is absolutely gorgeous...I learned the very basics of knitting a long time ago (casting, purl and knit) but that's about it. I wish I knew more. Anyways, stay cool my friend.
Hugs and Kisses,
I just came from a blog where someone was knitting. Gotta learn how to do that. That sure is a pretty shawl. Love the look of it. I've always wanted that particular succulent. Sure is a nicely textured one.
You are so talented and do beautiful work.
We are hot here as well. Over 100 today and expected for the next several days. This red and green stocking will be perfect...thanks for linking up the gray one to our linky party. I appreciate your support and friendship! I know we are all busy and blogging takes time...try to stay cool!
Love the colors of the shawl... beautiful! I hear you about the heat. It is very hot and humid here. Feeling like 110 today and worse tomorrow. :( Love the Christmas stocking! So cute... can't wait to see it finished!
Love your shawl. I've knitted several shawls and scarves using this method. It's also fun to hold a strand of eyelash with your yarn (do you know what I'm talking about?) using this method. The eyelash gives the finished piece another layer of texture--nice for a fall or winter shawl. I also very much like the color combination for your current stocking.
The shawl is beautiful! I hope it cools down in the evenings so you can wear it some time this summer!
So, are you humming Christmas carols as you knit those stockings?
LOL! No carols yet, Betsy!
Tanna, you are a knitting machine! You do such lovely work. The shawl is so pretty with it's autumn colors and you've come so far already with the second stocking.
Stay cool! We will be hitting the 100 degree mark this weekend.
Hey girl, I love the shaw. Looks so easy, but my fingers would be all tangled up in making one like that.
Yes.. it has been so uncomforatably HOT. so ready for some much needed rain..
can't wait to see the Christmas projects.
Hi Tanna I just LOVE copper and all shades in that color family! Beautiful work!
You're very talented! I LOVE the colors! And your photography is wonderful too. I'm your newest follower; found you via Kim.
GOOD IDEA! If I play Christmas music will it lull me into believing it is not so STICKY hot???
Love the shawl and the stocking...my succulents have NOT done well this summer and I love them so!
What a gorgeous creation. It's design looks almost like that of the crusader's chain mail vest. I really love it. Stay cool and have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
I just shivered seeing that red and green!
I like that shawl, Tanna, very cool and shimmery and light. A perfect accent! Great job!
Wonderful shawl! I love everything about it, though I must say that the simplicity and quickness (is that even a word) win out even over the beauty of the thing. Great dress form too by the way.
Temps here have been in the high 60s low 70s. This morning when I went to dress I reached for jeans and a corduroy shirt! Weird, weird weather all over the place...
Blessings, Debbie
I love the colors.....love em....your work is just amazing.
I have to tell you I thought I saw LM in wal mart yesterday in a lady's buggy. I stopped in my tracks and went right back to get a closer look (he was a younger version). I was about to dial 911.........it really shook me for a while!
Those colors... Beautiful!
A true artist.
Most of the country is over heated and we out here in the Pacific Northwest are still waiting for Summer. I could use a sweater!
wonderful shawl; very unique and feminine. That succulent is a gorgeous color blue! ...I am also trying to think of cooler days ahead; 100's is way too much heat...stop you bad, bad SUN!
Hugs to you
Tanna, those simple instructions are like Greek to me. Maybe I should move there just to take knitting lessons from you. I love the beautiful shawl! Yes, I'm having to water just to keep the plants around my house alive. Fortunately, my crepe myrtles are thriving in this heat.
Hi Tanna, you are so creative and talented. This 'simple' shawl has a delicate, lacy feel. It is beautiful. It's winter in New Zealand, usually in the upper 50's and 60's, with spring green grass and beautiful blooming flowers. But there is lots of rain and wind. Thanks for keeping track of me while I'm on my New Zealand adventure!
Tanna, what a lovely summer shawl. Our weather here is extremely hot and my mum water our plants twice a day to keep them well. You are right, we need to drinks lots of water to stay cool!
I love this shawl...prettiest thing I have ever seen! You are so amazing, you ought to sell your work, it's beautiful. I love that you are knitting Christmas things..O think I would put on some Christmas music too, it might help! We are having real nice days now, first time in a year! Have fun and stay cool. :D
You're so talented...that last pic with the red and green made me smile....thinking of the Holidays usually does that to me. Thanks for the pic and the smile!
Right now it's 99 degrees with a heat index of 121. We're 50 miles south of Washington, DC. It's supposed to be worse tomorrow. I don't think I want to cook anything today! Knitting may be the answer and this shaw is beautiful!
How beautiful..well if anyone could inspire me to pick up the needles it would be you...maybe after I set down the paint brush! Your work is just beautiful.
Oh we are going for the record here also...so glad your succulents are making it.
Do you actually have a pattern for that shawl or did you just do it, as a skilled knitter like you probably can do. I really love it and in spite of our intense heat here (not as bad as yours though) I do carry something in to church with me as I can freeze in there for an hour. Maybe I should tackle something like this! Glad you are able to knit and think cool thoughts in the heat!
Hi, Tanna.
The shawl is amazing, but knitting is beyond me.
But that mosaic dress form...I would love to see a picture of that without the shawl and here the story that must go with it.
Today was our first real feel 100 degree day and we're supposed to be there for the next 2 - 3 days, but we are in the mountains of WV and this is HOT for us.
Stay safe and protect that little succulent.
Don't think that just because I can't find time to comment that I'm not following right along with all of your posts. Reading is the easy part - I can do that on my phone. It's finding a spare moment to comment that's hard!
I love that that little succulent has just kept on trucking. It's probably thriving in the heat! And I'm still crazy about those stockings!
Alright, must run. Littlest Man is begging for a diaper change and some lunch. And by begging I mean screaming. Love to you!
ohh stay cool! I just thought we had some rain, but it allready stopped... so much for that...
Great looking shawl/scarf!!!
That is very simply exquisite. The color is magnificent!
I'm going to keep coming back here so you'll visit me with 'Tanna's knitting wisdom'. Sit and stare with needles in hand... brilliant.
Now, tell me there's no such thing as productivity police! :{
Blessings, Debbie
Hi Tanna,
I just found your blog and am enjoying it. You are inspiring me :) I love the shawl and think that it is something this beginner can pull off :) I was wondering if you could give me an idea on how many yards or grams you would use for this in a boucle? I am still very new at knitting so I don't know how to figure out how much is needed. Thanks so much and have a great weekend!
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