These are my Little Men Pumpkins. The Littlest Pumpkin looks like he is not too thrilled about this postition. The Little Pumpkin (according to his Momma who shot these precious photos) was, "All done." Meaning that he was through trying to hold up his brother while his Momma tried tirelessly to get a shot with them both looking her way (so Noni could see them in their pumpkin hats). LOL.
That's better! Upright and smiling! I think the Littlest Man may be catching up with the Little Man sooner rather than later. He is growing like a weed!
Little Man is always so very busy. He is his Noni's hard worker. (note that "Speed," Lightening McQueen, is never far away)
He examines his food this way, too. Inspecting every bite.
I deeply appreciate my daughter's getting these great photos for me-- in spite of the deluge of rain they have been enduring enjoying. I know she had to work for these! Thank you, Amanda.
This pumpkin hat is so fun and easy! If you are interested, the pattern, yarn and modifications are listed here, on Shush, I'm Counting.
Now, is that a precious smile, or what?? Three months old last Friday!
I hope you will keep East Texas in your prayers tonight and in the days to come. Fires are all around. Lives and homes have been lost. The firemen are exhausted. We need rain.
blessings to all ~ tanna

oh my goodness! not at all what i was expecting when i saw your post title! adorable! love these!
You have like the most adorable, sweetest pumpkins *ever* Tanna! So, so cute! Yes... praying for Texas today. Stay safe!
Tanna, they are precious and the littlest is growing so fast. Three months already? Wow. Those hats are so cute on them.
What a great way to celebrate Fall! Oh my goodness your little men are so adorable, and those pumpkin die for!!!
Oh, those sweet pics are just what I needed! If I didn't know better I would think that second picture was Little Man! Wow, they look alike.
Oh, now that is just perfect! Big smiles here!
Those hats on the boys are about the cutest thing in the world!!! Great job Tanna and Amanda!! Keep it up!!
Dear Noni,
We love being your little pumpkins! Thank you so much for our very special, very cute fall pumpkin hats. We are so excited that we can wear them all fall long. We just know that Momma is going to get more pictures of us wearing them, especially as we visit the pumpkin patch and as the leaves turn. We'll make sure she sends you some. We love you very much and miss you very much, too.
The Little Men
PS - we are saying our prayers for East Texas. Hope you all see some relief soon.
Darling little pumpkins for sure!
Praying for Texas to get rain.
Darling little pumpkins for sure!
Praying for Texas to get rain.
Beautiful Son! Love the hat! Thanks for sharing.
Oh Tanna,
Your daughter takes the best pictures...Caputures your grandsons' cuteness so well. Love them all. And how adorable are those little pumpkin hats? Just precious...
Will be keeping Texas in our prayers...We are no strangers to fires here in California and we know the impact and destruction they can cause. Praying for everyones saftey.
Much love and blessings,
Oh my! Those are just darling! You must be a very proud Noni.
I'm praying for East Texas, I was hearing on HLN about the wild fires popping up everywhere! Send the rain Lord!
Hugs, Cindy
Could you get any cuter? NO!
Perfect Fall attire, brother in hats and smiles.
Your pumpkins are the cutes ones I've ever seen!
Super cute and darling as can be I the hats! They are a blessing aren't they. It looks like all of Texas is on fire on the TV tonight...prayers indeed. :D
The hats are precious - and the boys are just the sweetest.
We have just watched the 11 o'clock news and have seen the wildfires in Texas - truly, we will pray for the people in the area, as well as the people up here in the Okanagan who are also evacuated due to wildfire.
What a visually striking post! Love the hats and your sweet little men! How they grow. Your daughter has done a wonderful job with the photos! I might need to consider this for my little one--just a week under yours! Just really enjoyed your earlier post too --the cap is gorgeous and I know what you mean with yarn like that, so fun to see what it turns out like. I am making a "lap throw" (crochet) for a young friend I watched grow up -- all out of remnants, trying to be very "green" and it's amazing how it's coming together in her color scheme! beigy greens I've been on a work marathon and am catching up on blogs now! Funny how we are drawn to our blog friends!
Cutest little pumpkins ever!!
I'd like to find some of those little "pumpkins" in the patch!! Littlest Man is growing like a weed--or a pumpkin! He looks so much like his big brother. I recognize that scene with the little car. Our boys always had one or two of them (or an action hero) nearby. Just read about all the rain falling around your little ones.
Still praying and hoping for relief for you in Texas.
Such adorable, lovely little pumpkins!
Sending prayers for everyone in Texas. I've been hoping for rain to fall for weeks.
They are so wonderful. The little men and the hats! And a very lovely blanket in the background. ;)
I don't think I'd be weeding that pumpkin patch. In fact I wish I could grow weeds like that one!
Blessings, Debbie
If I could get the letters big I would write AWE!
They are so very very adorable - both of them. He did try hard to hold his brother. lol
Your daughter takes GREAT pictures.
I have been praying for Texas. It has to be so tough.
Love, sandie
Those are about the cutest things I have seen...oh, and the pumpkin hats are cute, too. I was sure I was going to see photos of pumpkins on your wonderful porch as you get ready for the fall season, but this was ever so much better....ever so much!
Praying for rain! I hoped the last tropical system would visit you for a long time. We got it instead :( Not that I mind the rain I just think we should share. Beautiful babies - wonderful blessings indeed! I gasped at the cutness of the hats! I want one for me :)
Tanna, they are a scream with those knit caps. OMG! You are making me see the many fun aspects of grandparenthood (God forbid either of my sons has one yet)when everyone is ready, that is. Awesome!
That is over the top adorable!!! The pumpkin hats are over the top. I love them...Wow.
Oh ... my ... gosh! Those are the CUTEST little pumpkins ever! Their little hats are just adorable. So, so, so sweet!
Sure wish all the rain on the other side of the US would head towards Texas. Wishing you all the best. Tammy
Oh now this is just toooooooooooo adornable...oh my, just soooooooooooo precious. You just want to pick them both up and give them a I am sounding like a want-to-be grandmother.
Prayers for all the fires, for rain, for the heart just breaks...Texas has been hit very hard this summer
What adorable little guys! Your pumpkin hats are the sweetest ever!
Those photos are so cute, your daughter did a good job!
Thanks for visiting!
they are absolutely adorable....looks they are ready for Fall for sure...
they are absolutely adorable....looks they are ready for Fall for sure...
Oh my goodness! Those are so stinkin' cute!
OMGoodness, how cute are they? It certainly looks like Fall there! Precious grandsons you have! :)
Hi there! I came over from your Ravelry post about these hats and wanted to say thank you because you made the exact mods to the Berry Baby Hat project that I was hoping to do only you've saved me the trouble of trying to figure it out, so thank you! I've always been scared of knitting in the round, so this will only be my second hat to try and knit and the first I did this week. I'm 9 mos pregnant and have been waiting for over a week now to go into labor (the Dr. told me more than a week ago I was on the verge and wouldn't last the week). I'm enjoying keeping busy while my stubborn baby keeps me guessing ;-0 but wasn't sure if my brain was up to figuring out how to tweak this pattern like I hoped, so thx for making it easy on me.
Your hats look great and your grandsons are gorgeous!!!
ADORABLE!! I just love the pumpkin hats, and your grandsons are really beautiful.
Or handsome...
Also, your daughter takes unbelievable pictures.
those pumpkin hats are the cutest things I've ever seen. Amanda sure got some wonderful shots of Little Man and mini Little Man!
How precious the pumpkin hats are. The kids are too! Hoping that the smoke will not settle again tonight like the last two nights here in East Texas. Amen to the prayers for firefighters, families and for rain. Blessings.
You just don't get cuter decorations than this, Tanna! So precious!
Thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday. Your participation made for a more successful party. I appreciate you!
What adorable grand"pumpkins" you have, Tanna! The hats are so cute. The baby is getting so big and Little Man looks very interested in all he sees. Where did your daughter find actual pumpkins so early in the season?
The drought and fires in Texas are terrible! Here in the NE we are having terrible flooding in many areas from rivers overflowing their banks from the constant rain we've been having. If only soem of thse storms and rain went down your way it may have helped us all.
OH MY! SOOOOOOOOO SWEET! LOVE the hats and the fall and sweet, cuddly little boys!
Tanna, your grandbabies are so adorable, God bless them! I love your pumpkin patch. I have been sending prayers out West, will send more. Visiting from Honey's blog, 2805. xo,
These are the sweeeetest pumpkins I ever did see....
Thoughts and Prayers for Texas. I am afraid of fires.
This is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. How wonderful that you have those pictures. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Dear Tanna, I think you have the cutest "little men" in your life!! They are precious. The hats are just adorable. Blessings, Catherine xo
OH my! that was super cute.. love the pictures..
So cute, what treasures you have in your life!
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